kettlebells at the gym



Back At It…11/26/12

I hope everyone had a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving, we sure did! Now, it’s back to training… But before we get to the WOD, a…

Stay Classy

For those that may not know it, CrossFit For Glory is a Christian owned and operated facility. Much like talking about politics or…

McGill's Drills

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving full of turkey and all the fixins’ !! We’ve got a good one for today, and j…

Yoda, I am Not…11/21/12

I am, however, pleased to announce that I do have an apprentice of sorts…Jay Bradley is officially an apprentice/assistant c…

Be a Better CrossFitter…11/20/12

A few years ago, before CrossFit became so big and relatively mainstream, I started reading a lot of material from Jon Gilson of A…


A. Skill: MWOD drill work B. WOD: 3RFT – 20 KB Swing 53/35 15 C2B Pull-ups 10 Thrusters 135/95…


A. Skill: Back Squat – 1X5 @ 80%, 2X3 @ 85%, 3X1 @ 90%, 1X1 @ 95% – rest as needed.   B. WOD: 3 RFT – 10 Deadl…

Punish Your Weakness

This short statement runs deep throughout the culture of CrossFit. It has many different meanings, depending solely on each person…

Punish Your Weakness…11/15/12

This short statement runs deep throughout the culture of CrossFit. It has many different meanings, depending solely on each person…

people working out in a group fitness class


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