I hope everyone had a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving, we sure did! Now, it’s back to training…
But before we get to the WOD, a couple of quick announcements:
1. If you didn’t see our latest blog post, check it out here.
2. Tough Mudder is THIS COMING SUNDAY! If you’re muddin’ with us, our start time has been set at 9:20am. I suggest we get together and carpool as cars with 4+ people park for FREE.
A. Skill:
Snatch – 2X1@80%, 2X1@85%, 2X1@90%, 2X1@95%, 2X1@90%, 4X1@80% – rest 30-60 seconds.
3 RFT –
5 Over-the-Box Jumps
25 KB Hops
25 KB Swings
5 Over-the-Box Jumps
15 KB Hops
15 Pull-Ups
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