kettlebells at the gym



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Expand Your Time Horizon

When I sit down to write a new blog, I do it with pen and paper first. Then I have to type it out before it makes its way to your …


CFG Monthly Newsletter, Vol. 1

Hello out there and Welcome to the very first issue of the CFG Monthly Newsletter! Before we get into the fun, I thought I’d…


The BNG’s – Basic Nutritional Guidelines

In my last post, ‘About Those Calories,’ I teased something called The BNG’s – Basic Nutritional Guideline…


About Those Calories

Do calories matter?  How many calories should you eat each day?  Will you wither away and die due to hangry-ness (a very…

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What is Training Age and Why Does it Matter?

Training age is a term used in health and fitness to describe how long an individual has been following a structured physical fitn…

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There are several different parameters that you can use to modulate and progress your workouts: Sets Reps Load Movement Rest Tempo…

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Sets Across vs Climbing Sets

Something that I’ve taken the time to break down for clients is the difference between performing sets of work ‘across…

New Shirts!

It’s been a while since we had a new shirt, so we figured now is as good a time as any!  I wanted to tell you a bit abo…

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What I Read in 2021

Each year, I like to share what I read over the course of the days, weeks, and months that preceded. I do this for a couple reason…

people working out in a group fitness class


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