Results For Category: "WOD"

No Rain? Much Pain! 8/27/12

In the spirit of there being a ‘named’ storm out there, it seems only right that we do a ‘named’ WOD today…


A. Skill: Snatch   B. WOD: 30-20-10 T2B KB Swing Double Unders…

Slow Down to Go Faster?? 8/23/12

I found this thanks to my buddy Aaron at CrossFit Lakewood Ranch…who found it somewhere else too! Good read and something th…

Blank Slate…8/22/12

The “Goals” board has been wiped clean. Go ahead and observe a moment of silence… That can only mean one thing: …


Two Options: You will either do yesterday’s CrossFit Squat Total or, if you already did it, you will do this: A. Skill: Gymn…

Got Squat? 8/20/12

Over the weekend, we created a brand new page for the website that focuses on local competitions, races, etc. If you see something…

Don't Fall for FANCY HEADLINES!!! 8/17/12

I’m quite amazed that nobody has brought this up yet, but you CrossFitters at our box are a pretty smart bunch. It seems tha…

Get LOW, LOw, Low, low…8/16/12

Testing out the low-bar back squat today, so for a refresher: From Starting Strength, Rippetoe & Kilogre, 2007 Have you ever w…

Test Your Fitness…8/15/12

One of the best ways to really see how ‘in shape’ you are since you began CrossFit is to put your fitness to the test….