I’m quite amazed that nobody has brought this up yet, but you CrossFitters at our box are a pretty smart bunch. It seems that almost every week, there is some new ‘groundbreaking’ research that is being released that nullifies everything we stand for when it comes to nutrition. A few months ago, the ‘research’ goons attacked something quite sacred to our hearts: RED MEAT. Over the past week, the latest Paleo delicacy to be hung from the proverbial rafters is eggs, and in particular, egg yolks.
The gist of the story goes like this:
1. Crack Research Team (CRT) passed out questionnaires to a gaggle of middle-aged and elderly asking about their LIFELONG smoking and egg eating habits (yes, you read that right)
2. They didn’t take into account much else, like stress, exercise habits, waist circumference, other foods commonly eaten WITH eggs, etc.
3. Sent eggs down the firing squad line and pushed this stuff to the mainstream
4. People freak out and think they’d be better off smoking that eating eggs
Now, since none of you have asked about it, I’m leaning towards the assumption that you all put on your critical thinking caps and mowed this whole debacle down to exactly what it is: CRAP. Check out the following links here and here for a great recap of the real story. Then, go eat some eggs – the WHOLE thing, and love.every.last.bite.
A. Skill:
The Russian Baby Maker and other fun hip opening drills…
3 Rounds for Reps of:
1min at Each Station –
A) 7 Wall Balls
7 Push-Ups
B) 7 Box Jumps
7 Ring Rows
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