kettlebells at the gym



Better Together, Part 2

A few weeks ago, I wrote a blog called ‘Better Together.’ It highlighted a message of scripture from a recent church service t…

Scary Moment

This past week, I found myself in a sketchy situation. I was up at the gym working out on my own when Mandy and the kids came up t…

Better Together

A few weeks ago at church, our pastor shared a message titled ‘Together.’ It was the conclusion of our series going ov…

The 2019 CrossFit Open is Here!

Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve had a lot of neat announcements – our brand new nutrition challenge, #Project2019…

The Benefits of Group Exercise

“Come join our gym – the community is great I’ve made some lifelong friends! The coaches are friendly, supportive, and t…

Why I’m Doing the CFG 28-Day Nutrition Challenge

As the owner of a gym, people make the assumption that I’m on point and face no struggles (or have perfect mechanisms for ba…


******* Mindset: “Always make a total effort, even when the odds are against you.” –Arnold Palmer ******* Nutrit…


******* Mindset: “The last 10 percent it takes to launch something takes as much energy as the first 90 percent.” &#82…


******* Mindset: “Champions keep playing until they get it right.” –Billie Jean King ******* Nutrition: Focusing…

people working out in a group fitness class


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