Monday-Wednesday are normal.
Thursday we are CLOSED.
Friday we will have 5pm ONLY.
Saturday back to normal with 9am
“A year from now you may wish you had started today.”
–Karen Lamb
Front Rack Mobility
B. Weightlifting:
12-15min to find a Heavy 3 Single Arm DB Thruster (cycled)
*The same weight must be done on both sides for it to count.
*You may only rest overhead. No resting in the front rack position (on the shoulder).
C. Metcon:
15min AMRAP:
Run 600m
30 Single Arm DB Thrusters (50/35)
Run 400m
20 SA DB Thrusters
Run 200m
10 SA DB Thrusters
Run 200m
AMRAP SA DB Thrusters
*The goal is to get to the AMRAP portion of the workout. Pick a weight that allows you to do so.
*Split the work between your left & right arms however you want.
Post WOD Recovery:
Calf Smash
Quad Smash