A. Skill:
5 x 5 eccentric pull up work
Hold chin over the bar for 3 sec, lower for 3 sec
Rest 60 sec between sets
Banded Overhead Stretch
Health: 20 min ascending ladder
3 Deadlift (135/95); teen (125/85)
3 T2B (scale = v-ups)
6 DL
6 T2B
9 DL
9 T2B
Add 3 reps each round
Fitness: 20 min ascending ladder
3 Deadlift (155/115); teen (135/95)
3 T2B
6 DL
6 T2B
9 DL
9 T2B
Add 3 reps each round
D. Post-WOD Recovery:
Foam Roll Low Back
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