“It takes a strong fish to swim against the current. Even a dead one can float with it.”
–John Crowe
Counting your food if not an elite athlete with a specific mission: to accurately figure your true structural and functional fuel needs (and hence to achieve your goals) it’s far more effective to look at a much larger span of time, like a few weeks, and aim for an “average” consumption instead of your day to day. This means it is okay to live a little and enjoy life.
Crossover Activation Row (8 reps, 2 sec pause at end range)
Crossover Activation Reverse Fly (8 reps, 2 sec pause at end range)
Crossover Activation Pull Down (8 reps, 2 sec pause at end range)
Hamstring stretch 1 min ea side
B. Weightlifting:
15 min
3 x 5 Deadlift @ 80% recent 1RM
*Quick singles (no touch and go). No reverse grip.
*If you do not have a 1RM or its more than 1 year old, work up to something heavy for 5
For Time:
1000m row
20 deadlifts (same weight as above)
*Reverse grip/ touch and go are ok
Crossover Recovery Row (10 reps, 6 sec negative)
Crossover Recovery Reverse Fly (10 reps, 6 sec negative)
Crossover Recovery Pull Down (10 reps, 6 sec negative)
Foam roll legs