Tuesday 6/5/12

So with a revamped website comes a fresh look to the WOD page! As a lead-in to most WODs, I’m going to have something related to health and fitness for you guys and gals to check out. Articles, blog posts, cool pictures, and even videos! Suggestions are welcome, so let me know what you want to know more about! I hope you all enjoy the new theme.
One more thing, to help grow our community within the box, start posting your scores for the day to the comments. This is a fun and interactive way to establish long-lasting relationships with your fellow CrossFitters…and it allows for some good ‘ol fashioned trash talking!!
Without further ado, here is Tuesday’s WOD:
A. 4×5 Tempo Deadlifts w/ 60s rest

(3 seconds from floor to knees, explode past knees bringing hips to bar, then 3 seconds back to floor. Work on keeping shin vertical and back FLAT!)

4 Rounds f/ Time –
3 Power Cleans (185/120)
14 Shoulder Touches (alternating)
21 Wall Balls
And because I know everyone is dying to know what should touches are, here is a great video to show them being done. And as always, they are 100% scalable!

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Coaching For Glory is right for you.
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