Total Stranger…10/9/12

Wow, already a full week into the Total Life Challenge and I continue to hear great things each and every day! Now that we’ve begun week 2, it’s time for another edition of the ‘Weekly Challenge!” So here we go:
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, it to talk to three RANDOM people about CrossFit and invite them in for a complimentary intro session.You must engage them for AT LEAST two minutes!
– This can be anyone, so long as you don’t know them
– The person jogging down FishHawk Blvd – potential target
– The person behind you at Publix – potential target
– The person walking into the local Snap/Gold’s/YMCA – potential target
– I have some leftover business cards and postcards that you can have if you want to hand them out, but it’s not required
– The person doesn’t have to come in for your points to count, but you do have to talk with them for two minutes!
– This challenge is worth THREE points for the week: post your results (name, location of interaction, outcome, thoughts) to comments, FB, twitter, email, text, gym whiteboard, basically anywhere!
– MUST be completed by 11:59PM Sunday October 14th
And now, the W-O-D!
A. Skill:
5×3 Front Squat
3RFT –
10 Deadlifts (225/155)
15 Pull-Ups
40 Double Unders
iPhone 107

people working out in a group fitness class


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