Struggling to find a purpose after the Navy, Hunter came to CFG

1. What brought you to CFG? How long have you been a member?

I came to CFG to challenge myself. I have been for a long time very fitness oriented doing everything from strict calisthenics to SEALFIT to half marathons. After I got out of the Navy, I struggled to find a purpose to push myself physically. I decided in January 2018 that I was tired of living in the past and decided to look up gyms in the area. I read some reviews of CFG and liked what I heard so I contacted Josh to set up a meeting.
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2. What was your first impression? How has that changed?

When I arrived at CFG for the first time, between the front doors and meeting Josh in front of the office, 3 or so people said hi and good morning to me. Talk about a first impression!
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3. What are you most proud of?

Hmmm hard to say. Probably that I am the first person to vomit in foundations class #1
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4. What are you working towards now?

The biggest thing that I would like to improve would be my pullups. I am working on getting my strict pullups higher and also working on kipping pullups. I am also working on stretching my hips out. My goal is to do Murph unpartitioned in under 35 minutes. Once I have that, then under 30 minutes.
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5. What’s your favorite CFG memory?

It would have to be the competitions. The open and Murph. Such excitement and encouragement. Its amazing to see what everyone is capable of and the encouragement we all give to each other. Like when Bart got his first muscleup in the open, everyone went wild!
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people working out in a group fitness class


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