The holidays are over.
The kids are back to school.
Its time for you to get back on track and moving with deliberate steps in the right direction.
Yes folks, that is right – its time for:
CrossFit For Glory’s Spring 2018 Lifestyle Challenge!
Wait…you thought this was a “nutrition challenge?”
Well, it is.
But we’re doing it differently this time around.
This time is better.
We’re including a few other vitally important lifestyle factors:
And the best part – the scoring couldn’t be easier! (If you’ve been a part of past challenges, you know how happy this makes all of us – HA!)
Here’s why we are doing it this way – our programs at CrossFit For Glory are a holistic approach to health and wellness and this is a perfect way to see it in full effect. Having a happy, healthy, fulfilling life isn’t just about working out and eating right – there is far more that goes into it. Over the course of the next 4 weeks, we want you to establish healthy habits that are both practical and sustainable for the long term.
Is this right for you?
Ask yourself if you want to accomplish ANY of the following:
You’d like to lose a few pounds
You wish to be leaner
You want to perform better in the 2018 Open
You’d like to put on some muscle
You want more energy
You want to sleep better
You’d like to lift more weight (PRs anyone?!)
You’re tired of having sore, achy joints
You’d like to be more productive during the day
You like shoes
You want to feel better about yourself
Like we’ve done in the past, we will be doing a pre and post-challenge measurement on the InBody as well as a baseline workout before and retest after.
Ok, now for the nitty gritty:
- We will be performing the InBody scan and baseline workout the week of 1/22-1/26. They can be done at any time the gym is open that is convenient for you.
- Cost is $85 per person
- Challenge kicks off on Monday, January 29th and will culminate on the first Open workout – Saturday February 24th
- Points per category are either 0 or 1…thats it!
- Nutrition – get 1 point per meal (daily max of 3) for eating food that was once alive and didn’t come out of a box
- Movement – get 1 point (daily max of 1) for logging at least 30min of physical activity. This can be achieved by coming to class or doing something on your own
- Recovery – get 1 point (daily max of 1) for logging at least 15min of bettering your body – this can be mobility work like ROMWOD, mindset work like meditation, reading of non-fiction (self improvement or daily devotional for instance)
- Water – get 1 point (daily max of 1) for drinking enough water – at least 1/2 your bodyweight in ounces.
- Sleep – get 1 point for sleeping (daily max of 1) 7 or more hours per night
- You will have access to our private Challenge FaceBook group that Coach Natalie will spearhead
- Winner need only tell me their shoe size and preferred color!
Other Details:
- Winning? Oh yea – most points. It’s THAT simple. No worries about body comp, workout performance – those metrics are simply so you have black and white proof that this stuff works!
- Tie with someone? Well now, I don’t want to spoil the surprise!
- Other questions? Send them in now
- We will also post up some great articles to get you on the right eating track, i.e. how to shop economically, what you can eat, etc
- Sign-up by comments to FB, comments to this blog post, email me…just get the word out that you’ll be participating!