Not So Random…2/4/13

Over the course of the next five weeks, you’re going to become inundated with talk of the 2013 CrossFit Games Open.
You’ll see it on our website.
On your FaceBook feed.
On your Twitter feed.
Others in the gym will start asking: Did you sign up? Are you planning to?
I know what you’re thinking: There is NO way I’m doing this. I’m not a competitor. I haven’t been training for this. I don’t want to embarrass myself.
You’ve been coming in, right? You plan to keep coming in, right?
Then calm down, back away from the ledge. I want to let you in on a little secret:
IMG 7703You are ready. In fact, you have been preparing.
Behind my seemingly impenetrable veil of secrecy that is our “random” WOD programming, there is actually a plan.
As with every sport, we have a season within CrossFit. It’s the same every year. The Open is the beginning, and is at the tail end of February or first part of March.
As such, our programming reflects that. All along, you’ve actually been preparing for THIS event without even knowing it…SURPRISE!
We have had you do an endless number of:
– burpees (WOD 1 last year)
– snatches (WOD 2 last year)
– wall balls/thrusters/front squats (WOD 4 and 5 last year)
– overhead pressing (WOD 3 last year)
– pull-ups (WOD 5 last year)
– jumping rope (WOD 4 last year)
– ring work (WOD 4 last year
– ab/core/mid-line work (ALL WODs last year)
And as per regular…we squat…a TON…all the time. That movement alone is THAT important.
You know who else does a nearly identical version of the WODs that you do? Jay. IMG 7702
That’s right, the 59th Fittest Master’s Athlete in. the. World. 
You and him follow the same thing. All year long, he’s gunning for this one event. And just as he is physically ready to tackle this thing head-on, so too are you.
So, we’ve seen it all. We’ve done it all. Now, it’s time for you to throw your hat in the pile and join in the fun.
The first year of the Open (2011) saw 26,000 people compete. Last year, over 70,000 did. Pretty sure we’ll see over 100,000 people this year. Who doesn’t want to be a part of that?!
The only thing left to do now is register. Go on and just do it so I can focus my energy on creating new WODs!
A. Skill:
Banded Deadlifts –
Every 30 seconds for 5:00 minutes (22 total reps):
2 Banded Deadlifts @ 60% Bar Weight + Band
Thoracic Torture Chamber
For Time –
100 Double-Unders
25 Wall Balls 20/14#
75 Double-Unders
25 Wall Balls 20/14#
50 Double-Unders
25 Wall Balls 20/14#

people working out in a group fitness class


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