Ok gang, I know that everyone has been absolutely chomping at the bit for us to release the sign-up link for our next two classes:
- Our 3rd iteration of the Level 1 Weightlifting Course
- Our long awaited Level 2, aka “Competition Prep”, Weightlifting Course
Thank you very much for your patience!
I’m going to talk first about the level 2 course. There are a couple requirements and expectations:
- You must have taken our Level 1 course first, unless I’ve told you otherwise.
- You understand that we are prepping you to compete in a sanctioned USAW Weightlifting meet. This does not mean you must compete, but I want you to be fully aware that we will hold true to all the standards within the sport of weightlifting during our classes.
- You will wear weightlifting shoes
- You will come in and warm-up adequately on your own so you are ready to lift promptly at the start of class
The Level 2 will build on everything that you learned during the L1, but so much more. Beyond the 12 coaching hours you will receive over the course of 6-weeks, you will all be given individual programs to follow. You will be granted free access to open gym to complete any work that is not done during the coached hours. Additionally, we will feature video review heavily in this course. Its not enough for me to just cue you into doing something right – seeing what you did wrong and what you did right goes a long way to improving you as a lifter.
Cost for this 6-week course is $175, including Open Gym.
We will meet Monday and Wednesday evenings from 6-7pm, starting Monday August 8th.
If you would like to sign up for that class, click the link here.
As for the level 1, what more can I say other than it has been wildly successful! We have had 100% of people PR their snatch and clean & jerk after taking this course. But even more than that, they became much more proficient lifters and were able to take all that they learned and apply it back into their normal CrossFit training. Because of how successful we’ve been with such small participant numbers, we’re going to continue that theme and limit access for only 9 people. Its sold out both times we’ve offered it, so you better get onto the link ASAP! If you know of any non-members, put them in touch with me for their special sign-up link.
Cost for this 6-week course is $155, including Open Gym.
We will meet Tuesday at 8pm and Saturdays at 8am, starting Tuesday August 9th.
If you would like to sign up for that class, click the link here.