Results For Category: "Mindset"

Not So Random…2/4/13

  Over the course of the next five weeks, you’re going to become inundated with talk of the 2013 CrossFit Games Open. Y…

Reflection, part 2: TNL Fitness Challenge Recap

    Well, it’s been almost a week since Megan, Jenny, and Vince competed at the TNL Fitness Challenge. To say I am…

Reflection, part 1…1/30/13

For those occupying a space underneath a rock for the past couple months, a few of our athletes just finished up a big competition…

Scaling of CrossFit WODs…1/21/13

Before we get into tonight’s post, I want to apologize for the delay in the posting of my weekly recap. With all the great t…

Force, Work, and Power…1/16/13

This is a great reference to return to time and time again in order to fully grasp what it is we do at the box. I encourage everyo…

Showing Up is 80%…1/14/12

“Showing up is 80%….”  Woody Allen A couple of weeks ago I added a block onto my work calendar that said “Lunchtime W…

The Team (part 2)…1/9/13

The Team (Part 2) Team sports have complex dynamics that individual athletic events do not.  While one or two people may be stars…

Why Warm-Up?

Each day, we begin class with a dynamic group warm-up. It varies slightly day to day, depending on the demands that will be impose…

Why Warm-Up? 1/7/13

Each day, we begin class with a dynamic group warm-up. It varies slightly day to day, depending on the demands that will be impose…