STOP RATTING OUT THE WORKOUTS AHEAD OF TIME, it’s ruining our fun! Besides, your punishment will be awaiting you…
A. Skills:
EMOM f/ 16min –
Odd Minutes – 3 muscle-up turnovers (practice coming back down into the false grip each time)…this can be done on high or low rings depending on athlete skill level
Even Minutes – 3 ring dips (strict if possible)
Foam Roll Lats – 3 x 45s ea side
For Time:
100 ____ ____ ____ ____
30 ____ ____ ____ ____
1) 15min time cap
2) For those in the earlier class – if you RAT OUT THE WORKOUT again, your punishment will be waiting for you the following day. Stop ruining the fun.
D. Post-WOD Recovery:
Lat Stretch – 2min ea side
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