Hi…My Name Is:

No, this will not be the complete lyrics to a popular song from the 90’s. Yes folks, Em’s hit was that long ago.
Recently, we had someone drop in to our box, a visiting CrossFitter. She is someone who’s stopped into our box quite a bit over the past few years, and I’m always genuinely happy to see her walk through our doors.
While playing catch-up with one another, I asked how she’s been, what she’s been up to, and what brought her back around to CFG again. She asked about the gym, commented on our growth (that she’s been following via social media from afar), and wondered how Mandy and the kids were doing.
In short, we had a conversation that is common within the walls of CFG.
But apparently this normal occurrence to me was pretty foreign to her. At the end of the workout, as we were all cleaning up together, she came up to me and said: “Thank you. I always feel so welcome every time I come back to your box. Even something as simple that you did at the beginning of class by saying ‘hey everyone, say hello to [name]’ is not something I experience very often when I travel. Not only that, but your members are all so welcoming and I feel right at home, like I belong here. You are my favorite box to visit when I’m in town by a long shot.”
Stuff like that is awesome to hear. It lets me know that we’re doing a good job of making people feel right at home; hopefully making their time at CFG the best hour of their day.
But it also makes me pause and reflect – am I doing a good job of greeting every single person that walks through our doors? Have I let a class go by and not helped someone take a step closer to their goals? Are all of our members doing the same?
I think so. And the earlier account from this visiter is evidence in our favor. So to all of my coaches and athletes at CFG – thank you. You continue to make CFG a place where people feel welcome. Keep it up.
But it is also a good reminder that something so simple as saying “Hi, my name is…” to a new and unfamiliar face can make all the difference in the world.
Next time you’re in class and you don’t know somebody, take a minute to try it out. Give a smile, extend your hand, and take pride in welcoming them to CrossFit For Glory.

people working out in a group fitness class


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