
So I sent an email out yesterday about our CrossFit Kids program that is starting back up September 1st. Here is the nitty-gritty:
As in years past, we will be running two separate groups for this program. We will have a Varsity Program and a Jr. Varsity Program. The main difference, besides age, between the two programs is that the Varsity program will serve as a bridge between our previous “middle school” class and our adult CrossFit group classes. We recognize that there are many of our kids who have enjoyed the new direction that Coach Leigh-Ann has taken this group, namely a more bonafide strength and conditioning program, and we want to continue with that.
The meeting times and costs are as follows:
Jr. Varisty – Tuesday and Thursday from 2:45-3:30
Varsity – Tuesday and Thursday from 4:45-5:30
Costs –
Members of CFG – $70 for first child, $40 for siblings
Non-Members – $85 for first child, $45 for siblings
We are capping each class at 12 kids and spots are reserved on a first come, first served basis…so speak fast if you want your spot reserved!


A. Weightlifting:

Push Press – 15min to 3RM



Athlete’s Choice



10min AMRAP –

10 Push Press (95/65)

10 Deadlift (95/65)


D. Post-WOD Recovery:

Easy 400m Run

people working out in a group fitness class


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