Ok gang, its Thanksgiving week and we’ve got an adjusted schedule:
- Monday – normal
- Tuesday – normal
- Wednesday – 5:30 and 9am ONLY
- Thursday – 9am class ONLY
- Friday – 5pm & 7pm ONLY
- Saturday – normal
“The best way to predict the future is to invent it.”
–Alan Kay
Tampa has a great local Grass-fed and Grass-finished beef called Providence cattle
A. Mobility:
Coach’s Choice- focus on shoulder
B. Skill/Strength:
Turkish Get Up
15 minutes to work up to heavy on R & L
C. Metcon:
15 minute AMRAP –
30 Double Unders
10 DB (50/35) Overhead, Alternating legs, in Place, Lunges (Right Arm)
10 DB (50/35) Overhead, Alternating legs, in Place, Lunges (Left Arm)
Hip Flexor Stretch