Did you see all the FANTASTIC photos from the Kera Benefit WOD this weekend? Check them out here!!
A. Skill:
GHD Sit-Ups and Rope Climbs: The Basics
For approximately 15 minutes, we will run you through the main points of set-up and execution of these two movements and provide you with a general template for how to progress with them. Hint: its called ‘practice.’
Those that are capable in these movements should set goals for 2-3 rope climbs performed with no rest in between and 15-20 GHD sit-ups with no stoppage.
Kneeling Box Overhead Stretch – 3 x 45s
3 RFT –
9 Hang Snatches (95/65)
Run 400m
*YES, these are full squat. If necessary, you may perform a power snatch followed by an overhead squat.
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