Today, we are highlighting Chris Bilar. Not only does he have an incredible story to tell, he’s also an avid fisherman and has twice brought me back enough fish to fill our freezer – so he’s got that going for him as well! Chris started working out with us in July of 2015.
1. What brought you to CFG? How long have you been a member?
I was in my early 40’s and the DR said I have to go on blood pressure meds. I hate taking any medicine, so I said give me 1 more try to lose weight and get the BP down. That’s when I wandered in to CFG. I now have lost 12-15 pounds while putting on a lot of lean muscle.
2. What was your first impression? How has that changed?
My 1st impression was this is a young man’s sport after 3 knee injuries in the 1st 6 months. I said to myself if I get hurt 1 more time I am quitting. This was just about the time I came to [Josh] with this issue. [He] explained I sit all day and I really need to work on my flexibility, especially the couch stretch. I really started working on stretching( same time the monthly challenge was stretching). I have stayed injury free so far.
3. What are you most proud of? What have you achieved?
Losing the weight #1, #2 cutting down on drinking. I was the guy working my butt off during the week 4 or 5 workouts then drinking Friday – Sunday. Monday workout sucked for me and I wasn’t seeing much in gains.
4. What’s your next goal to hit?
Double unders by year end.
5. What’s your favorite CFG memory?
The open team competition was an absolute blast cant weight for next year when I RX all the workouts.
Thanks for all they you and CFG have done for me.
Chris, we could not be more proud of all the success you’ve had thus far. You’re truly a testament to what hard work and dedication can do for someone looking to improve their overall health and wellness. Thanks for being such an important part of the CFG Family!
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