Well, the Bay Area Beatdown has come and gone and it was quite an incredible experience. Over the course of Saturday and Sunday, Heather and Michael completed four WODs each, in addition to 4 extra “skill” WODs to earn extra points…so in reality, they each did EIGHT workouts over the course of two days.
The competition this year was worlds better than it was when we went last year. The venue was spectacular, they ran on schedule the entire weekend, there was ample staff, and the workouts themselves were well-programmed and executed. For those that have been with us to other competitions, you know how much all that means. For those that have not, TRUST ME, it means a lot to everyone involved (athletes, coaches, spectators, etc) that a competition run smoothly.
As for Heather and Michael, I could not be more proud of them for what they accomplished this past weekend. The guts that it takes to enter such an unknown event and put yourself out there in front of hundreds (a thousand maybe?) of people is immense. It’s one thing to workout in front of your friends, in the comfort of your own box, with only your coaches eyes on you, but it’s an entirely different experience to do so at such a large event.
As a box owner, I was humbled to see their level of sportsmanship outshine nearly everyone else’s this weekend. There were a handful of times where they were the only ones to stay until the final competitor in their heat was finished and never missed a chance to say “Job Well Done” to their fellow competitors. This extended to the workouts as well, as there was never a negative reaction on their part for a call of “No-Rep” or any complaining whatsoever. This speaks volumes about not only the culture of support and family that we’ve created at CFG, but more importantly the level of their character as athletes and people.
To those that came out and supported not only Heather and Michael, but the box as well, THANK YOU.
To those that could not make it out but sent good wishes to them, THANK YOU.
To those that have thought, if even for a split second, about competing – I’d encourage you to ask them about their experience.
Congratulations on completing your first competition you two, very well done!!
A. Skill:
15min to 2RM Hang Clean and Jerk
8min AMRAP –
Wall Balls (20/14)
– At the start of “3, 2, 1, GO” and EMOM, perform:
5 Over-the-bar burpees
5 Power Cleans (95/65)
*Score is total number of wall balls