Thursday…aka The Big Reveal

We’re watching the announcement of Open Workout 16.1 at the box immediately following the 7pm class. You should come be a part of it. Rumor has it that someone from #TeamWallBallerZ will do the workout immediately after its announced!
In case you didn’t hear of the timeline for the next five weeks with regards to performing the Open workouts, here is a quick and simple recap:

  • You will have three days to complete it – Friday, Saturday, or Monday
  • On Friday, we will program the Open WOD for that day’s workout. We will divide the classes in half and one group will workout while the others judge. Then we’ll swap.
  • If Friday, I recommend you do NOT come in on Thursday and workout. If anything, come in and do some rowing and a good dose of mobility work
  • If Saturday, I recommend you do NOT come on Friday and workout. If anything, come in and do some rowing and a good dose of mobility work
  • If Monday, we will be back to regular programming, so if you plan to come in and do it that day, you will need to arrange for someone to judge you.
  • Saturday is the “Main Event” and kicks off promptly at 9am with the athlete briefing. We really want all of you to come and enjoy the energy and festivities that will take place that day – so make it Saturday mornings if at all possible!
  • Each week, once we know the layout of the workout, we will post a sign up sheet for you to sign up for heat times to do the workout AND to judge another heat.

A. Weightlifting:
Snatch – 15min to do 8 x 1 @ 80%
Kneeling Box Shoulder Stretch
10min AMRAP –
10 Thrusters (95/65)
20 KB High Pulls (53/35)
Run 200m
D. Post-WOD Recovery:
Quad Smash

people working out in a group fitness class


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