16.4 is Here! 3/18/16

Ok everyone, 16.4 was just announced. We’ll be running things the same way we did last week with opportunities to do it on Friday, Main Event Saturday (starting at 8am again!), and then again on Monday. In case you missed the tips from last week, here they are again:

  • We encourage you to come in at anytime between 5-7 Friday night to do the workout. YES, this even means during the 6-7pm hour of “Open Gym.” Even if you don’t have Open Gym, you can still come in then and do the workout
  • We are going to start at 8am Saturday. So athlete briefing will be at 8am, with the first heat getting started at approximately 8:30am. I’ll have the doors open at 7:30am if you want to come in and start getting warmed up if you prefer to be in the first heat.
  • I will post a warm-up and strategy video on Friday afternoon that I would encourage everyone to watch ahead of time…especially if you don’t plan to be here for the 8am briefing.
  • I will post a sign-up sheet for heat AND judging times.
  • We will be blocking off a good bit of the parking lot directly in front of the building for a warm-up area. Feel free to bring tents and grills.
  • Watch the below video to understand the standards. Then watch it again. Then, just because they say “third time is the charm,” watch it a 3rd time! (See what I did there?)
  • Any extra judging, at ANY class time on Friday, and at any time on Saturday, is welcomed…and encouraged!



13min AMRAP –

55 Deadlifts (225/155)

55 Wall Balls (20/14)

55 Cal on Rower


people working out in a group fitness class


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