Intramural Leaderboard Update…Week 3!

Hello there CFG Intramural Fans! Here is your weekly update of the leaderboard. Down below, you’ll find a few different things:

  1. Overall score sheet where we showcase each teams points thus far.
  2. Leaderboard for the separate divisions.
  3. Note: for the scaled leaderboard, you’ll have to scroll until you see the (s) next to peoples names to see where their scoring starts. This is the only way to populate a “scaled” leaderboard from the Games website.

Here is how things are shaking out right now in terms of placing:

  1. WallBallerZ – 150 points
  2. Smoked Bacon – 124 points
  3. Swole Train – 81 points
  4. Squat Mafia – 64 points
  5. Power Cleans and Pizza – 58 points

Now onto the “Spirit of the Open” award for this week. With each Open workout, a new challenge is presented. I’m sure many of you have seen or heard about the CFG folks who got their first ever bar muscle-ups this past week – Michael and William Grant (first ever time for a father/son duo getting a new skill!), Mark James, Mark Raney Sr., and Alex Furst. Its hard to put into words the excitement that was on the faces of those athletes as well as all the spectators. Cheers rarely reach the volume that they did this past weekend.
Having said all of that, the cheers for athletes on the verge (but not quite making it) of achieving this new skill were unmatched. So this week we will be recognizing four ladies who were so incredibly close to their first bar muscle-up that they have extensive bruising to show just how hard they were working and how many attempts they made to hoist themselves on top of the bar!!
While none of them were successful, they all spent nearly 7 full minutes trying.
Again…and again…and again.
So to Veronica, Crystal, Stephanie, and Yolanda – you ladies have taken the cake this week in representing the Spirit of the Open. Congratulations! (Team Power Cleans and Pizza and Team WallBallerZ will each be getting 5 points!)
As I’ve said the past few weeks, we still have time…and I am GUARANTEEING that ANY team still has a shot to take the cake on this whole thing…Nobody is out of the running…no matter what the point totals tell you…hehehehehe (Oh, and if you want to help your team out…maybe sign up for Relay for Life??)

Teen Leaderboard

Masters Leaderboard

RX Leaderboard

Scaled Leaderboard

people working out in a group fitness class


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