We Will Never Forget…9/11/13

Today marks the 12th anniversary of the September 11th attacks. On behalf of my family and us coaches here at CrossFit For Glory, I would like to extend our most sincere ‘Thank You’ to all of our military and first responders, those who are currently serving and those who have served locally as well as abroad. To the families of these men and women, Thank You as well. Let us never forget those that were lost nor that the freedom we all enjoy on a daily basis is on behalf of those brave enough to fight for us.
never forget 9 11
A. Skill:
10min to 1RM Strict Press
T-Spine LAX Ball
In honor of it being 9/11/13, the 12th anniversary of the September 11th attacks, we will be doing a 12min WOD with that rep scheme.
Please don’t cherry pick or skip out because it “looks hard.” And please don’t go easy on the weight, make it a challenge.

12min AMRAP –

9 OHS (115/75)

11 Front Squats

13 Back Squats

**If bar touches the ground any time before the 13th back squat, you must do 1 rope climb. Then you may pick up where you left off.


people working out in a group fitness class


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