***January Announcements***
1) People are absolutely KILLING our rowing challenge, so cool!! I wonder who will end up with the MOST calories come January 31st???
2) The ‘Advanced Theory Course’ begins this Wednesday evening, January 13th. It’ll go for 6 weeks from 6-7pm and is open to everyone!
3) CFG Roller Skate Night is Saturday, January 30th.
Also, throughout the month of January, we will be focusing on improving our pull-ups during our general warm-ups. It won’t be anything intense or crazy, but each day I will program something (technique/skill work, strength building, or volume work) to include in whatever warm-ups we are doing for that day.
Pull-Up Work (during warm-ups): 3 x 5 strict
A. Skill:
12min to Biggest Deficit STRICT HSPU
Lateral Border of Scapula + LAX Ball
12-9-6 Deadlift (225/155)
24-18-12 Deficit Hand Release Push-Ups
1) RX+ will do 12-9-6 STRICT HSPU in place of HRPU
2) Time Cap – 12min
D. Post-WOD Recovery:
Hamstring Stretch
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