
Each day this week, I’ve been writing about what to expect with the CrossFit Games Open starting on Friday. If you missed the first three posts, check them out here:

So today is the final “regular” day for this week. At 8pm tonight (Thursday night that is), CF HQ will release the first workout of the 2018 Open season. Along with that release will come a video where they review the workout details along with standards of movement, etc. Seeing as how we will all be held accountable to these standards, I wanted to link you to a few demo videos of what to expect. Take a look back at the videos from last year to see what I’m talking about:
17.1 –
17.2 –
17.3 –
17.4 –
17.5 –
Now…don’t freak out. We will go over all of these types of things prior to you attacking each of these workouts to make sure we are all on the same page.
Stay tuned for more details as the week rolls on!



“Life is a series of problem-solving opportunities. The problems you face will either defeat you or develop you depending on how you respond to them.”
–Rick Warren



Using maple syrup or honey as your sweetener instead of sugar is a great way to consume extra minerals that sugar does not provide.





T-Spine + LAX


B. Weightlifting:

Strict Press – 5×5 @ 85% 1RM


8min AMRAP –

1k Row Buy In, then with time left over, AMRAP:

10 Deadlifts (185/135)

10 Box Jumps (24/20)



Calf Smash

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Coaching For Glory is right for you.
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