Before we get to the fun, heads up on two quick things:
1. Monday’s WOD is at the bottom of this
2. If you haven’t yet signed up for the CrossFit Games Open, do so here! Look, I realize that many of you love to procrastinate and wait until the last minute, but it’d be really sweet to see our team grow…so do it, now…please!
– Double unders were back with a vengeance on Monday!
– Erika got her first rope climb
– Eric Crouch made it back to the gym this week…more on this return later
– Mike Fuller PR’d his clean…by 30lb, during a 3-position clean complex – that shouldn’t happen!
– Georgia now owns the brightest pair of shoes in the gym
– I aim to change that soon
– /opens new tab to design new Reebok nanos
– Jay’s son Matthew learned how to clean this week…watch out, a mini-Jay (haha, now that’s funny) is up and coming!
– Everybody LOVED KB OH Lunges…especially when combined with T2B and Pull-Ups!
– Chuck has super long arms and knocked out 18 (!) strict pull-ups…after Thursday’s running WOD
– Running WODs will be showing up more often, but they probably won’t be advertised. So to all you cherry pickers…I got your number!
– Speaking of Thursday’s WOD, the Leopard Test was introduced. We had two bonafied leopards show themselves: Eric Crouch and Hamilton
– Those two guys were here more than most of the regulars this week…where was everyone?!
– Kelly called me out for not logging her correct weight on the Leopard Test…my bad! She nailed the 26lb KB!
– Laurice finally showed me some of the speed I knew she was capable of on Wednesday night…great job! No, it was not her new ride…
– Tim ran about 1000m instead of the required 800 on Thursday…silly Tim, such an overachiever
– Leah came through strong on the front squats from Friday!
– Speaking of those, I love seeing more people take it to the limit on those…remember, it should be a “come to Jesus meeting!”
– Eric Fuller came in Friday morning just to give Mark a run for his money from Thursday’s running. He ended up doing the 800m twice…him and Tim must hang out together…
– He came close, but no cigar.
– He told me later: “I’d like to come in and try that one again for fun now that I know where the 800m turn around is.” Masochist.
– Saturday’s team WOD was especially slim…what’s the deal?? You all missed some hay-bale relays!
– And there was a snatch-off.
– Yes, I just said that.
– During said snatch-off, Megan hit a PR of 95lb…It was the most EPIC moment of the year thus far. So proud of you Megs.
– This was after 4 (!) misses that I video taped.
– Her successful one? Yep, missed that on video.
– Quote of the week again goes to Zack: During Saturday’s hay-bale relay, he was on Mark’s team. After finishing the first lap, Mark raced back to the start to get going on lap two. Mark was already over the first batch of hay when Zack got there. Zack, straight faced as ever, looked over at Jay and I and said: “What’s up with sticking me on George of the Jungle’s team?!”
A. Skill:
5X1 3-Position Clean (low to high) + Jerk – heaviest possible, rest 60-90 sec.
Practice Leopard Test
12 minute AMRAP of:
5 Power Cleans (155/105)
10 T2B
15 Wall Ball (20/14)
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