– Monday morning’s class was a BIG one…thank you MLK Jr Day!
– Monday was also voted as the hardest WOD ever programmed…imagine that, an interval based WOD with designed rest!
– Quote of the week is courtesy of Zack post-Monday: “My face hurts”
– Jim has returned indefinitely…and has begun dominating the board once again
– Hamilton has also returned; well for this week anyways 🙂
– Everyone loves shuttle runs, so they’ll show their beautiful face more often
– Zack is willing to trade 15-20lbs on his back squat to someone for a few muscle-up reps, any takers?
– Claudia was instructed to stop lifting heavy weights, so she “only” did RDL’s at 155lb. Shame shame
– Double Unders are here to stay, so practice, practice, practice
– I think Tim told me he hated me for making him do double unders on Wednesday…at least his eyes did!
– A last minute add-on to the bar put Sam over the 300lb mark for RDL’s, sneaky sneaky
– Laurice apparently thinks she’s special enough to warrant different color ink for her name on the board
– Death By Front squat was cherry picked by a lot of people I think…I can fix that by programming a “Death By” workout every day for a week if need be!
– Our in-house pregnant lady, Shannon, smoked everyone in that workout! She completed 15 (!) rounds, next closest was 12
– As expected, the guys just loved the bench press day
– Also as expected, they are still in the old-school mind frame of “no need to warm-up the shoulders, let’s just heave the ol 45’s on there and bang out a few sets!”
– Our girls can move some serious weight on the bench…very impressive
– Jim did a 146lb weighted pull-up
– I think that means that any of our ladies could jump onto him while he does a pull-up, any takers?
– Jim, you ok with that?! (Is your wife?)
– Erika got 2 consecutive double unders!
– Sarah knocked out two HUGE goals – her first unassisted pull-up and a hand-stand against the wall. Look out for the video of the pull-up. Not a bad Friday night. So proud of you
– Zack completed his first rope climb. In his words: “That was the slowest rope climb in history.” But, he made it
– Ok, ok, I’m proud of you too
– George showed me a sweet new rope climb technique. Any interested parties??
– Lisa achieve a 15″ box jump Friday evening!!!
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