The Open is Near…1/15/14


2014 crossfit open 1

This time of year marks the BIGGEST event for us as a box and as a worldwide CrossFit community. The 2014 Reebok CrossFit Games Open is just six short weeks away.
That means that starting on February 27th, you will all be given a rare, but super awesome, opportunity.
You can’t get this from any major sport out there, not the NFL, MLB, NBA, hockey…none of them provide you with this one. To rub shoulders with the great ones from “normal” sports, you have to make the team.
But in CrossFit you, yes YOU, are an athlete!
This is the “Sport of Fitness.” And you’re a player.
The 2014 CrossFit Games season is upon us, and it all starts with the world-wide Open.
So what about that rare opportunity? Ready for this?
You will have a chance to see your name on a scoreboard next to the biggest names our sport has to offer.
Rich, Annie, Jason, Miranda, SPEAL, Clever, Voight.
One board…ALL the names.
It’s also a great opportunity to test your fitness against others just like you.
Others with similar abilities. So no using the excuse that you’re scared or lack confidence. The Open is designed to be as inclusive for as many people as possible.
You will see names above and below yours…watch yourself rise above them with each passing workout.
Strive to keep moving ahead. Push to new limits.
This thing is global now folks, but it will take place right here, in our own box!
Sign-up details will be released sometime this week, so look out for them.
For five weeks, starting February 27th, we will hit the open WODs together.
All you have to do is register…and try your best.
And if you recently joined the box? Fear not, your time is now. You will have learned and progressed well enough to be able to do anything that is released.
You won’t regret it, I promise.
Jay is doing it. I’m doing it.
Need another reason, how about 100?
Best of all, you’ll have the chance to be better than you were in 2013!
You know how many people said “I wish I hadn’t done the Open last year?” Zero

Did you see the person in the video with the prosthetic leg? How about the person in the wheelchair? This thing is for EVERYONE!


To get everyone in the mood, we’re going to officially kick off the 2014 Open Season with a repeat of a WOD from last year known as “13.4”

7-minute Ascending Ladder:

3 Clean and Jerks (135/95)

3 Toes to Bar

6 Clean and Jerks

6 Toes to Bar

9 Clean and Jerks

9 Toes to Bar

12 Clean and Jerks

12 Toes to Bar

15 Clean and Jerks

15 Toes to Bar

…continue going up by 3’s until time runs out!

*Note: If you competed last year, type your name in the search box in the upper right hand corner of this website and see what your previous score was!


people working out in a group fitness class


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