If you aren’t very good at double unders, pull-ups (consecutive), T2B, or muscle-ups then I suggest you come to the box today! I think I’ve covered just about everybody since you can ALL improve on something, right?? Anyhow, today will be all about skills and drills to improve the movements mentioned above – remember, just “practicing” without any direction or focus is fruitless. So come in today to learn some tricks of the trade to make yourself better.
A. Skills and Drills:
1) Spend time working on progressions for the following movements – the suggested paths below go from basic to advanced. Where you start depends on your current fitness level.
2) Your coach will talk you through each movement and it’s progressions. Don’t talk, pay attention. Ask questions when you don’t understand what the heck we’re attempting to explain/demo.
3) You will spend 25-30 minutes alternating between the four movements.
4) Spend about 45-60s seconds on each movement before moving on.
5) The clock will be counting up, so use it.
Double Unders: singles, single-single-double, single-double-single, continuous doubles, targeted reps of continuous doubles
Pull-Ups: hollow-arch on ground, hollow-arch on bar, hollow-arch to pull-up (regular kip), hollow arch to butterfly pull-up
Toes to Bar: hollow-arch on ground, hollow-arch on bar, hollow-arch toes to bar, consecutive toes to bar with “double clutch,” consecutive toes to bar without “double clutch”
Muscle-Ups (MUST HAVE FALSE GRIP!!!!): hollow-arch swing, v-sit hip extension w/ feet elevated, band assisted turnovers
***It is of UTMOST importance that you DO NOT move to a more difficult progression until you have MASTERED the one you’re on! ***
None. See (A) above!
9min AMRAP –
3 Shoulder to Overhead (115/75)
20 Split Jumps (total)
6 S2OH
20 Split Jumps
9 S2OH
20 Split Jumps
12 S2OH
20 Split Jumps
….continue to increase the S2OH by 3 reps each round. The split jumps remain the same
Split Jump Note: Back knee MUST TOUCH THE GROUND EACH REP!!!!