Running 101, Part 1…6/25/12 and 6/26/12

Today starts Week 1 of our 6-week running focus. Believe it or not, running is a skill. And just like we work in pieces to put together an entire movement in the gym, we are going to do the same with running. Please be patient with yourselves as progress will be very slow!
inov8flite230Nike Shox ONine Classic Green White Grey Silver1
Skechers Shape Ups vs Tone Ups1While it is not absolutely necessary, it is HIGHLY recommended to have flat soled shoes to help ingrain these new techniques into your body’s central nervous system. Plain and simple: the big-heeled, squishy shoes from Nike, Aasics, Adidas, etc promote exactly what we are trying to get away from: the heel-strike! I’m sure you’re all well acquainted with my…um, shoe “problem” (step 1 is admittance I’m told), but I am the resident expert in all different styles/brands…and I’m positive I’ve got a shoe that would work for you. Stop me in class and I’d be THRILLED to have an excuse to talk shoes with you! Mandy figures if I talk openly about my problem more with you guys, that it might save her from having to hear about it at home…
A. Skill:
Running Drills
“CrossFit Total”

people working out in a group fitness class


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