Are You Tough Enough? 6/27/12

Only a few days are left to register for Tough Mudder at the discounted rate…it goes up on July 1st! We are set to do the course at 10am on Sunday December 2nd. If you plan to do it, whic you all should, please go here and register. Our team name is “CrossFit For Glory” and the password is ‘winning’. ALL of you are more than capable of completing this course and I’d love to have a big team out there, so sign up…NOW…what are you waiting for?! Here is a video to give you an idea of what it entails:

If you still have more questions, talk to some of your fellow CrossFitters at the box who have done this (and similar) races before. I’m sure you won’t be disappointed!
A. Skill:
Back Squat:
1×8 @ 70%
1×8 @ 75%
1×5 @ 85%
1×5 @ 90%
*These %’s are based off of last week’s 3RM back squat (6/18/12)
3 RFT –
7 Hang Sq Cleans (155/105)
21 Burpees
35 DU

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Coaching For Glory is right for you.
Free Consult