Many of you have asked my thoughts on the topic above so I figured it must be important enough to share with everyone.
In general, I’m not a fan of it. And here is why:
– If you don’t beat your previous score, you’re playing psychological warfare against yourself. You begin to doubt your abilities.
– Not a good or healthy thing to do.
– And if you do get a few more reps, so what? How much did your fitness improve by doing that workout again and in turn missing out on what was programmed in its place?
When are the few times I find it appropriate?
1. You have a legitimate shot to make it to Regionals or the Masters Qualifier and a few reps could be the difference.
2. You completely bombed your first attempt. Examples of this: you tore your hand so bad that you had to stop your 1st attempt altogether, your jump rope broke, or you passed out because you forgot to breathe.
And lets get something straight – ‘bombing’ a workout is not “my head wasn’t in it” or “my hand tape came apart.” It’s also not “my judge was too hard on me” or “I should be able to beat so and so now that I know what they got.” Those are missed opportunities, or better yet they are excuses, not bombs.
If you legitimately bombed a workout, your redo should have at least DOUBLED the rep count.
One and done. Put it all on the line. Make no excuses and move on.
At the end of the day, we’re just exercising!
A. Weightlifting:
15min to 1RM Clean
Front Rack – 2 x 30s ea side
12min Ascending Ladder –
3 Cleans (135/95)
3 Ring Dips
6 Cleans
6 Ring Dips
9 Cleans
9 Ring Dips
…continue adding 3 reps to each movement until time runs out.
1) One round is completing the cleans and ring dips
2) Score is total rounds + any extra reps into the next round
D. Post-WOD Recovery:
Barbell Quad Smash – 2min ea side
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