In case you didn’t hear about it yet, we came back from Puerto Rico with some hardware – SILVER MEDAL for 2nd place overall and a NEW PAN-AMERICAN RECORD in the Clean and Jerk @ 81kg! Full recap shortly…
A. Weightlifting:
Power Clean – 15min to heavy single
Front Rack
Open WOD 15.4
Complete as many reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
3 handstand push-ups
3 cleans
6 handstand push-ups
3 cleans
9 handstand push-ups
3 cleans
12 handstand push-ups
6 cleans
15 handstand push-ups
6 cleans
18 handstand push-ups
6 cleans
21 handstand push-ups
9 cleans
Etc., adding 3 reps to the handstand push-up each round, and 3 reps to the clean every 3 rounds.
Men clean 185 lb.
Women clean 125 lb.
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