
CrossFit Kids spots are going fast already and we just opened registration! Check out the details below the WOD!
A. Skill: IMG 8771
Deadlift – 3×10, heavier than last time
Lateral Leg Bits
10min Clock –
On the Even Minutes, 3 Power Clean and Jerks (135/95)
On the Odd Minutes, 3 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20)
P.S. If you haven’t been getting the emails, our CrossFit Kids Program is kicking off on Tuesday, July 16th. Here are the latest details:
First Class – Tuesday, July 16th
Time – 10:30am
Length – 45 minutes
Age Ranges – 8-12
Class Cap – 10 kids
Cost – $50 per month for the first child, $25 for each sibling thereafter
Classes will be held every Tuesday and Thursday for the foreseeable future. They will start at 10:30am and be done at 11:15am. As the program grows, we will expand our offering not only in number of classes, but in age groups as well. Starting off, we will allow 8-12 year olds. Don’t get hung up on a specific age – the determining factors will be their physical capability, mental ability, and emotional maturity.
In order to keep things running smoothly, we are capping the classes at 10 kids. This means that classes will be booked on a first come, first served basis. So, if you want your little dude or dudette to be a part of the ‘Glory Gang,’ speak fast! Two spots have already been reserved!
If you have questions at this point, please don’t hesitate to ask. We’ll continue the weekly updates as we approach our start date!

people working out in a group fitness class


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