
Important note – scores are not “finalized” until Wednesday night at 8pm, which is the deadline for affiliate owners (me) to validate them. Calm down if you don’t see your score populate on the leaderboard properly.
Don’t forget the theme for week 3: Mario! Come as a character, an object in the game…pretty much anything Mario is good to go!
Also, you owe it to yourselves to check and (and share share share!) the photo album from Saturday’s festivities – once again, Rob Rivera captured some incredible shots! Click here to go right to it and please tag yourselves.



“You don’t become enormously successful without encountering some really interesting problems.”
–Mark Victor Hansen



Keeping your fridge stocked with fresh cut fruits and vegetables leaves you prepared for healthy choices.




A. Warm-Up and MWOD:

Breathing – Last walk through (expectation is for you to perform this prior to class each day)

The Functional Progressions:
Functional Progression 1 x 10
Functional Progression 2 x 10
Functional Progression 3 x 10

For Quality:
2 Rounds
60 second chest opener (clasp hands together behind the back)
30 banded pull aparts or use crossover bands
5 DB windmills


B. Weightlifting:
Bench Press – EMOM f/ 10min – 2 reps @ 50-60% 1RM



10 Rounds –
25 Ball taps (use KB)
10 Push Press (a weight that can be cycled with)
One side of gym and back Farmer’s Carry right side (Use the KB you used for taps)
One side of gym and back Farmer’s Carry left side (Use the KB you used for taps)



3×40 Banded Tricep Extensions

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Coaching For Glory is right for you.
Free Consult