A. Skill:
Today we will be teaching you some new pull-up progressions. This is designed to get you:
a) Your first pull-up (strict and/or kipping)
b) Refine your pull-up technique and increase your volume tolerance
20 minutes to Learn and Practice –
a) Tempo Pull-Ups (Goal of Quantity/Volume f/ Strength/Eccentric Loading) – 3×5 @ 30X3 (3 seconds down, zero time in the hang, jump to top, hold chin over bar 3 seconds), rest 60-90s
b) Strict Band Assisted Pull-Ups (Quality/Volume, Hypertrophy)
3×10 w/ band that allows you to finish sets comfortably, rest 30-45s
c) Arch to Hollow Med-Ball Throws – 3 x 10 (forward), 3 x 10 (backward), rest 30s
Anchored Overhead T-spine
10 min AMRAP
5 Pull Ups
10 Burpees
RX+ will do muscle-ups
D. Post-WOD Recovery:
Foam Roll Lats
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