A. Weightlifting:
1 – 15min to 20RM Back Squat
a) Add approx 5-10lb to last week’s weight.
b) Push it HARD this week.
c) If you did this the week before last, then add 5-10lb but not enough to fail.
d) If you haven’t done this yet (shame on you), then shoot for something in the 65-70% range.
e) DO NOT do sets of 20 during your warm-ups.
2 – Exactly 1min after your 20RM back squat, you will perform one set of MAXIMAL reps of front squats with the same load.
Hamstring Floss w/ Band
4 RFT –
Run 200m
12 T2B
12 Burpees Over Bar
*Note: Each person will have a bar loaded with bumper plates to jump over. Yes, its that basic. The jump style/direction doesn’t matter as long as its a two foot takeoff and two foot land.
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