Get Lots of Chips…2/3/15

I’ll make you all a deal – if we have at least 75 athletes show up for today’s WOD, I won’t make anyone do inch-worms for three weeks…
PVC OH Split Stretch – 2 x 60s
B. Skill:
8min EMOM – 15s Hollow/Arch Swing Practice on pull-up bar OR on rings w/ false grip
30 RFT (Yes, THIRTY) –
5 Burpees
1 Muscle-Up
*18min time cap
*For those that will be doing MU but don’t have them as a given, if you miss 3 attempts, you MUST move onto the scaled option for that round. You can go back to MU later if you feel up to it. No FLAILING around!
*Scale for MU = 2 C2B PU + 2 Dips
D. Post-WOD Recovery:
LAX + Chest – 2min ea side

Coach Tim keeping an eye on Team Buns and Guns this past weekend!
Coach Tim keeping an eye on Team Buns and Guns this past weekend!

people working out in a group fitness class


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