Couple of Open Tips…2/25/15

Housekeeping Note: Because the next 5 Saturdays will be dedicated to the Open WODs (starting at 9am), we will be moving our “Intro” class to Wednesday evenings at 7pm. That means DO NOT BRING any new friends/family to class on Saturday mornings for the next 5 weeks and expect them to workout!!


The Open is just around the corner. #thankyoucaptainobvious
I wanted to offer up a few tips as the week progresses, so here we go:
– When should you rest this week? Does it matter?
1. Well that depends on when you plan to do the Open WOD. In short, you will rest the day before. You are welcome to come in and do a “walk through” and some mobility to stay warm, but NO WOD!
2. Yes, it matters. Big time.
– What about ‘game day?’ Should you try a new pre-workout? How about a sweet new technique for [insert movement here] you just read about?
1. NO – do not do ANYTHING out of the ordinary. Don’t try new foods. No new pre-workout.
2. Absolutely no new techniques on anything. I don’t care where you saw it or who told you about it.
– How important is strategy? What about my warm-up?
1. They are everything? Don’t believe me? Watch the 30th Fittest man in the world when it’s his turn. Oh yea, he’ll be throwing down with you all on Saturday morning.

****Stay tuned for more tips!****

A. Skill:

EMOM f/ 10min –
Even Minutes: 8 Pull-Ups (this can be anything except band assisted. Hollow/Arch Practice, Small Circles, Chin Over Bar, C2B, etc)
Odd Minutes: 8 Toes To Bar
Foam Roll
12min AMRAP –
30 Hand Release Push-Ups
15 Overhead Squats (95/65)
20 Hand Release Push-Ups
15 Overhead Squats
10 Hand Release Push-Ups
15 Overhead Squats
AMRAP Hand Release Push-Ups
D. Post-WOD Recovery:
LAX + 1st Rib – 2min ea side

Almost one year ago to the day, this is what our box looked like. GOD IS GOOD!
Almost one year ago to the day, this is what our box looked like. GOD IS GOOD!

people working out in a group fitness class


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