A Better Place…6/6/13

I know that many of you have been wondering what is going on within our family. Your calls, emails, texts, and comments of concern have been greatly appreciated. When I talk about our gym being a family, you guys never cease to amaze me in terms of how true that is. Normally, as your head coach, I’m the one showering support upon you all. This time, the tables are turned and your thoughtfulness has been a Godsend.
On Wednesday June 5th at approximately 12PM, my Gram, Charlie Shepherd, passed away after losing her battle with lung and brain cancer. She was 71 years old. photo 2 1 copy
To say that she was an important part of my life is an incredible understatement. My mom and dad have always been huge supporters of mine, believing in everything I do. But if you ever met my Gram, you knew very quickly how proud of me she was. I’m certainly not perfect, but I honestly can’t remember a time when she ever scolded or got mad at me!
While we are heartbroken and sad, we are also very happy for her because we know that she has gone on to a much better place. The heavens were blessed with another angel today, and we take comfort in knowing that such a special person will always be watching down on us.
Please continue to keep our family in your prayers as we go through this difficult time, especially my mom Jodi, whom many of you know from the gym.
A. Skill:
Hip Internal and External Rotation
12min AMRAP
7 Power Clean and Jerks (135/95)
14 Front Squats
Run 1 Lap
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people working out in a group fitness class


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