Remember the time when you were strolling through Publix, or your grocery store of choice somewhere in the USA, and you happened down the magazine aisle? Then, just by chance, you picked up the latest addition of UFC magazine and scrolled through to see if anything caught your eyes…
And just as you’re about to put it down and move on, you see a picture of a familiar looking face…and place:
That’s right folks, an athlete that many of you know and have worked out alongside, Shannon Whiteman, was just featured in the latest addition of UFC Magazine! How stinkin’ cool is that??
And if you couldn’t tell, the pictures were all taken at CrossFit For Glory!
To be mentioned in the article (both as Coach and as gym) was exciting…but also very humbling.
Shannon – words cannot express how proud I am to be your coach. Your consistent, hard work never fail to amaze me. You’re an incredible athlete and an even better mother and role model to your three beautiful children!
Now, what many of you may not know at this point is that this weekend, September 19th, I will be accompanying Shannon up to Minnesota as she competes in the “National Championship Alpha Showdown”…a CrossFit-style competition.
So how did she qualify for the National Championship?
By winning the Tampa Sectional back in April.
Then by winning the Southeast Regional in Georgia back June.
If you’d like to read more about the events, most of which have been announced, visit the “We Are Alpha” FaceBook Page.
Its hard to contain the excitement and anticipation I have for this weekend…tagging along as a Coach is a pretty cool honor, one that I appreciate more than most will ever know.
Shannon – let’s remember to have fun…and WIN EVERYTHING!
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