
Hey gang, here are a couple things to wrap your noggin around:
1. The 2013 CrossFit Games Open is only 2-1/2 weeks away. If you haven’t yet signed up for it, do so here! We will ALL be doing the WODs at the box anyhow, so you might as well sign up and see your name on a world-wide scoreboard! Plus, at just $20, it’s the cheapest competition you’ll ever participate in…and all the WODs are held at our box so no traveling!
2. We’ve got a Running Workshop coming up on Saturday March 2nd. This is geared for all levels of runners. Details can be found here. We’re limiting enrollment to just 25 participants, and many spots are already gone so if you’d like to get in on it, click the link or just shoot me an email/text/phone call saying you’re in!
3. “The Week that Was” will be up tomorrow – look out for some goodies!
A. Skill:
High Bar Back Squat – 3×5 @ 75%, 3×2 @ 85%
High Hamstring Flossing
9min AMRAP –
9 Push Press (135/95)
10 Horizontal Ring Rows
Run 200m
IMG 7921

people working out in a group fitness class


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