On the female side, the winner was Sam Briggs!
On the male side, the winner, for the 3rd Year in a Row, was Rich Froning!
Thank you to everyone who came over and watched with us live as all the athletes were put through 12 events over the course of several days. We had a really great time and look forward to sharing more experiences like that in the future!!
If you were unable to watch, keep an eye out on games.crossfit.com for plenty of archived footage.
And now, back to training:
A. Skill:
Back Squat –
1×8 @ 65%
1×8 @ 70%
1×8 @ 75%
1×8 @ 80%
Practice your rope climbs in between sets!
Squat Therapy
3 RFT –
50 KBS (53/35)
25 HR Push-Ups
1. Rest 2min between rounds (this is NOT optional)
2. 15min time cap
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