This Saturday (Aug. 3rd), we will be participating in the ’31 Heroes’ workout starting at 9am. We will have one class only, combining the beginner and advanced. This is a WOD that anyone AND everyone should do. Go here for more details and to register!
Tough Mudder pricing goes up in a few days, go here for details and to get the registration details. Like the WOD above, everyone should do Tough Mudder. We all START as a team and FINISH as a team. There is no extra training that you need to do…if you come to the gym with regularity, then you’ll be equipped to complete it.
A. Skill:
Jerk Work on our new blocks!
(Practice Rope Climbs in between!)
Lacrosse Ball Smashing 1st rib
For Time –
Run 800m
15 T2B
9 Pull-Ups
Run 400m
18 T2B
12 Pull-Ups
Run 200m
21 T2B
15 Pull-Ups
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