14.4…A Curveball – 3/21/14

Just as you guys run into new and exciting challenges each time you step foot into CrossFit For Glory, I too as a head coach and affiliate owner run into challenges from time to time. In this case, my challenge is one of trying to accommodate the more than 40 athletes we have doing the 2014 CrossFit Games Open during a workout that involves a major piece of equipment that we do not have.
However, in life, just as in this case, your character and resolve are tested and revealed by how you face and handle such challenges.
Tonight/today is no different.
Yes, the workout requirements for 14.4 state that the first movement is to be done on a C2 Rower.
No, we do not have them.
What we do have, though, is an incredibly supportive community of members and other affiliates who have reached out to lend a helping hand.
So know this – we are currently working on a solution so that ALL of you will still be able to complete 14.4. I promise that as soon as we have all the particulars lined up, I will post to FB what we are going to do.

So, without further ado, 14.3 is:

 10004027 681057595269435 1709475352 nI HIGHLY recommend that you take a moment and visit this link to be familiar with the standards. Just be sure to click on Week 4!


Prior to each of these Open WODs, your coaches will have some strategy/tips to give you in order to help you maximize your score. Maybe keep the chatter to zilch during that time??


people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Coaching For Glory is right for you.
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