Why Warm-Up?

Each day, we begin class with a dynamic group warm-up. It varies slightly day to day, depending on the demands that will be imposed upon your body during the rest of your session, but in general it serves four main functions: get you warm, get you loose, evaluation, and to make you better.
I’m going to briefly go over each of these to highlight the importance of each aspect as some of us have been known to lolly-gag or just go through the motions during this portion of class. So it is my hope that you will all see the importance of it and give it as much effort as you do during the WOD.
1) Get you warm – we are just elevating your body’s core temperature. This gets the blood pumping, central nervous system firing, and all your body’s support systems up to speed.
2) Get you loose – here we are focusing on taking your body through a full range of motion. This allows you to optimize your power production through efficient movement.
3) Evaluation – this is for your coach. Even though it may seem like we’re either sleeping or not paying attention while you go through each movement, we are always watching to see if you’re moving out of sync. Favoring a shoulder, elbow, hip, knee, or ankle?? This is how we can help foresee and prevent potential injuries, or offer an appropriate scaling progression as class moves on.
4) Make you better – just like the evaluation part is for your coach, this part is for you to evaluate and improve something for yourself. Struggling with squatting? Maybe your knees have been hurting more than normal? Then go through the air squats slowly and methodically. Shoulder position out of wack lately? Pay attention to proper positioning as we warm up the shoulders.
Warm-ups don’t need to be anything super fancy or overly complicated. While we might do something completely different once in a while just to spice it up, the normal things we do remain the normal things because…they work. We also repeat things frequently because of #3.
Having read through this post, I hope you better understand the logic and importance behind why we have a structured group warm-up. Be sure to pay careful attention to your positioning throughout each move we do – they all have a purpose.

people working out in a group fitness class


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